• Image of Nighttime by Marina Hope Wilson
  • Image of Nighttime by Marina Hope Wilson
  • Image of Nighttime by Marina Hope Wilson
  • Image of Nighttime by Marina Hope Wilson
  • Image of Nighttime by Marina Hope Wilson

Nighttime by Marina Hope Wilson
ISBN-13: 978-1-943899-19-7
Paperback, 33 pages
First Edition, 2024
$9.00 + t/s/h

“Walking past a mirrored
I think of you. The world
without you in it. I wouldn’t
recognize my own face.”

How do you hold fast to another person, knowing all along you must ultimately let go? Spanning over a decade, the poems in Nighttime examine questions of mortality and the body, identity, nature, and place. Part journal, part survival notes, Nighttime is the story of a daughter and her father; a portrait in reverse. It’s a lament, a reckoning, a prayer, an offering.

Marina Hope Wilson’s poems have appeared in journals such as The Massachusetts Review, Mulberry Literary, Kissing Dynamite, Jet Fuel Review, $, The Racket, and Bodega. She won the 2023 Rash Award in Poetry for her poem, “Origin.” Her poem, “Dilemma,” was nominated for the 2023 Best of the Net Anthology. Marina lives in San Francisco with her husband, stepdaughter, and three cats, and makes her living as a speech-language therapist.